Go Red for Women

Open Your Heart




Owner of Amy’s Ice Creams, Amy Simmons never thought she would experience her own cardiovascular scare at the age of 38. As the 2018 Go Red For Women Passion Speaker, Amy shares her incredible story of strength. Amy would not be here today without the support of life-saving treatments funded by the American Heart Association.


As the No. 1 killer in women, heart disease claims the lives of 1 in 3 women each year though highly preventable. For this reason, we ask you to please Open Your Heart and make gift that directly funds research and programs that develop quality care for women and their families. Fight for women like Amy, your mother, daughter or even yourself, and make a contribution that helps create a culture of health, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke in all women.

Open Your Heart is an opportunity to give a gift in honor or in memory of a loved one that will go directly towards the AHA mission and is 100% tax-deductible.  Summit attendees will have an opportunity to give a monetary contribution on the day of event. For donors who would like to pre-commit their Open Your Heart gift of $250 or more before February 2018, we will proudly recognize you with a plaque on our Open Your Heart Tribute Wall that will be displayed at the Summit, as well as recognition in the program. 



2017 Survivor Fashion Show


The American Heart Association is the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting cardiovascular diseases. The Association funds more cardiovascular research than any U.S. organization outside the government. Since 1949, we have invested more than $3.3 billion in the heart of our country. Each year, 22.5 million volunteers and donors work with us to create better lives by teaching, supporting and studying the needs of those at risk. But we cannot do it alone.

For additional information about supporting the American Heart Association and joining Cor Vitae, please contact Ann Jerome.

Our kids represent the greatest hope for a healthy future, and one of our greatest areas of need. Open Your Heart is an opportunity in the Go Red for Women Luncheon where you can make a donation to help our children and future generations.

Over 36,000 babies born every year with a heart defect. More than 9 million kids overweight. 1 in every 4,000 infants has a stroke. These stats drive both our sense of urgency and our hope. With your help we can change these statistics.

A donation to Open Your Heart at the event will directly fund the programs and research to make our kids' healthy future a reality. You may click on the pictures above to hear about how your donations make a difference. And please give as your heart guides you at the event or online.